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  • The Yellow River source - Shang Guangqiang advanced deeds

    The Yellow River source - Shang Guangqiang advanced deeds

    Shang Guangqiang the Chinese communist party party member, born on December 19, 1956 in yuanyang country Han Dongzhuang township huang zhuang village, huang zhuang village is located in the Yellow River Yellow River. Since the founding of the people, the Yellow River, Yellow River flooding floodplain of more than 30 times, flooding, the Yellow River flood desilting for a long time, land desertification is serious, the locust happens, forming a narrow poverty area, Yellow River only more than 400 dollars per capita annual net income of farmers, the poor face is very serious. Shang Guangqianga family of nine, land per capita 0.8 mu, the home only three adobe. In 14 years old, his father became ill because of overwork, body is very ill, as the eldest son of Shang Guangqianghave no choice, but dropped out farming, thin plate on the left a scar. Eight years later, his father died, borrow money around, simple buried the father. When he already owes 6350 yuan, the life is, the family only 80 kg food for three months, eight months not eaten a drop of oil, extremely tough life.
    Forced livelihoods, 22-year-old Shang Guangqiangto pull a rickshaw, at the southern bank of the Yellow River as a lumberjack, shoulder foot grinding up one after another large blisters. Three years later, Shang Guangqiangand several village people to jiaozuo coal mines as miners, for seven years, under a kiln, coal mining in order to rescue workers, his right index finger pressed off a piece.
    Working outside the village people often bullied, back to hometown, impoverished villagers. See these, Shang Guangqiangheart ached, so he secretly swear at heart, must lead the villagers out of poverty, a good life.
    A, do not believe belt only poor
    Shang Guangqiangdecided to venture in his hometown, led the villagers get rich, a maverick, he borrow everywhere. But god never shuts one door but he opens another, in 1994, Shang Guangqiangin a village in southern China's leasing 3.6 acres, set up "yuanyang country hongda plywood factory". He led 24 village people work hard, hard work, manages the factory early, he set the "people-oriented, science and technology enterprise, industry" factory aim. Under the guidance of ShangGuangJiang, the company developed step by step, he at every time of hire, if the poor farmers and people with disabilities. Villagers Zhu Kechen sick and ageing parents, wife and suffering from colon cancer, had three times surgery and family poor, debt-ridden, Zhu Kechen helpless, 11-year-old son faces to drop out of school, after Shang Guangqiangknow, immediately took out 30000 yuan of money to Zhu Kechen, and said to Zhu Kechen "bro, say what, I can let the kids to school." Nodding Zhu Kechen tears eyes. Shang Guangqiangnot only share the burden of his family, also arranged for them in a four people into the factory workers, a few years later, his home not only to pay off the debt, also bought a car, gradually took to the rich.
    In an accidental event, Shang Guangqiangaware of low-quality products is difficult to adapt to market requirements, as a result, he has thorough research, investigation, around the introduction of advanced equipment and technology, to start producing light intensity brand high-grade pollution-free, wenqi waterproof decorative materials, high-grade wood board and other ecological plank wenqi, make the company get long-term development. Shang Guangqiangagain to take the "company + base + farmers" business model, let is funding around farmers rent out land, planting poplar, and also arranged for poor farmers to factory workers, and migrant workers wages of poor farmers get leasing funds double income. Company poor worker Wu Zhao learn, children, income is low, previously poor families, 8 acres of land will be leased to the company, after the family four mouth people work to the company, in addition to the rent about every year tens of thousands of yuan, four mouth people wage income is about more than 10, ten thousand yuan a year, family year income amounted to more than hundreds of thousands of yuan, not only the poor from the past, and live a wealthy well-off life. In recent years, Shang Guangqiangimpetus of the Yellow River belt afforestation area of 8000 mu, benefiting more than 3000 farmers.
    To support more funding construction and poor farmers out of poverty to get rich, poor Shang Guangqiangmade key support surrounding areas of wood processing plants, give technical guidance and funding support, and all acquisition processing products. In recent years, Shang Guangqiangsupport the yellow belt is funding to establish a semi-finished wood processing plant more than 80, poor Labour and returning migrant workers more than 3000, 80 resettlement of persons with disabilities.
    Second, the farmers can also when the inventor
    Shang Guangqiangsee the Yellow River Yellow River land barren, pests, farmers to spray large quantities of pesticide, not only costly power consumption, and cause serious damage to the farmer's health. Shang Guangqiangwants to help farmers solve this problem, the cause of the development of green plant protection idea in his mind.
    Shang Guangqiangbegan to plant protection and agriculture experts visited green plant protection knowledge. In 2003, was registered Shang Guangqiangxinxiang providence new energy technology development co., LTD., and employ high-tech talent from the other cities at showering, under the guidance of ShangGuangJiang, after more than six months of careful study, after many experiments, finally became China's first developed solar intelligent extermination, there were a lot of people say "a cliche to risk, also make what technology products, blind nonsense". Shang Guangqiangsolar extermination of first trial in henan huixian, hui xian city in five years continuous installed in 320000 acres of farmland "providence" brand solar extermination, each extermination ChaoSha various pests amounted to more than 1000 a day, a few months later, farmland almost impossible to find insects, effect is good. At that time, the Chinese academy of engineering Guo Yu Mr Yuan and China academy of engineering, China eppo director Mr Wu in huixian demonstration base research, and view the extermination ChaoSha 24 tons of pest insect skeleton, personally wrote the research report, giving "providence" brand solar extermination spoke highly of and People's Daily, xinhua news agency, China times of science and technology and other major matters related to media reports. Shang Guangqiangis referred to as "the first person of solve the problem for Chinese farmers". Shang Guangqiangin turn to lead the company staff to develop solar energy high voltage electric shock extermination, solar type of vibration frequency extermination, solar street light, solar garden light, solar traffic lights, solar photovoltaic power station and other pv products.
    For several years, Shang Guangqianglead researchers developed solar disinsection accumulated in 16 provinces and 115 counties to implement solar physics extermination area of more than 2000 ten thousand acres. Relevant personnel statistics, solar extermination only for farmers to reduce human input, save the cost of pesticides, increase crop quality, for the farmers' income of ten billion yuan.
    Three, "how come I still forget the poor life"
    In local about ShangGuangJiang, folks are all full of praise to him, the old people even said "hadron is a caring person, is the son of all of us,". It all comes from who have a pair of kind. Huang zhuang village poverty for many years, tough road potholes, a primary school in the village is also a dilapidated, the village committee half-heartedly, Shang Guangqiangdecided to donate 1 million yuan to help solve problems in the village, after the company leaders know, advised him to say "donate so much money, you have to carefully consider the", Shang Guangqiangsaid "the za is in to help the child go to school ah, also consider what?" , he donated 1 million yuan to drought zhuang village built a new school, a new activity square, the newly built a cement road. In the village, when at the feast, the old people should feel embarrassed, because every Shang Guangqiangpersonally send rice, vegetables, meat, fruit every old man home.
    When children need to pay tuition, Shang Guangqiangwill personally put money into the hands of parents who can't afford to pay tuition fees, QianDingNing than charged said "poor again, I can let the children go to school, have what difficulties you scream and tell me". When he was asked why he do this, he says "if an poor afraid before, forget the poor, I also how to be ah".
    Shang Guangqiangduring a business trip, learned that remote area, shaanxi yanan old revolutionary base areas, in particular, farmers farming inputs is high, low income, and insect pest is serious, life hard. To hear that, special Shang Guangqiangheart not taste, hence, he led the company personnel, the research to the old revolutionary base areas, the development suitable for local use of pesticides, free delivery and installation, and charge the machine cost. Shaanxi jiaxian county is a famous state-level counties, where the government and farmers learned that other parts of the installation after extermination is significant effects, using solar energy also want to install a batch of, but, with no money. When ShangGuangJiang, when he heard the news without hesitation, donated 1 million yuan worth of products immediately, and personally supervise installation in the past. When installed in the field, a local farmer asked him "you are the henan to lovely people, I really don't know the zha thank you", Shang Guangqiangsmiled and said "big brother ah, the an is a farmer, farmer friends help each other, also thanks."
    Shang Guangqianglead surrounding poor farmers get rich at the same time, in remote areas, areas, and are worried about the lives of vulnerable groups. Shang Guangqiangin the development of the enterprise at the same time, the multi-channel, multi-form measures, to wenchuan, yushu earthquake subscription, give to charity, help poor students and lonely old man, to help poor farmers, construction of support funding, to the old revolutionary base areas and poor areas to donate solar photovoltaic products and a series of love public welfare activities for poverty alleviation. In recent years, on the poor, the brilliance charity Shang Guangqiangsubscription, donated more than 1100 1100 yuan, tens of thousands of poor farmers benefit.
    Fourth, the essence of a simple farmer
    In Shang Guangqiangright, led by a former covers an area of 3.6 acres of small workshops, has developed into today covers an area of 500 mu, henan hongda group, has the staff 1500 people. Shang Guangqiangas chairman of the board of directors, in our opinion, he is already a big boss, but he is still frugal, clothing simple, do not smoke, drink, never go to places of entertainment, but the steamed bread and pickle now often table head, never waste, only a pair of more than 100 yuan to buy shoes, also only wear when go out to see customers. Even his children are extremely simple, never spend a penny, everyday ride a bike to work, to the most bitter and tired of working. This with some publicity domineer over now compared to the rich second generation are worlds apart. Shang Guangqiangdemanding to themselves and their family, but he took tens of thousands of dollars every month subsidies company staff restaurant, in the society, now the soaring prices of 2 yuan to buy three meals, it made us hard to believe, but in hongda group co., LTD dining room is every day to do so.
    ShangGuangJiang, a son in the Yellow River in the Yellow River plain long farmers, a childhood aspires to lead the villagers get rich source of Yellow River, a poor farmer entrepreneur. Over the years, he has been a steadfast, diligent work, down-to-earth practice his promise "to lead the villagers to get rich". On the new journey, Shang Guangqiangwill not stop the footsteps, he will continue to use the actual action to lead more farmers get rich, driving the development of more poor areas, with a broad mind to write "ordinary" life.

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