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  • A whole wardrobe production process of the components and main process

    [ Time:2014-03-10 Click:3442 ]

    A whole wardrobe production process of the components and main process

    The next few years domestic whole wardrobe factory there will be two main production: one is the large-scale production of the enterprise business investment in place at a time, advanced production equipment, high market share, capital is abundant, the production is large, process will be more complicated; Another is some small and medium-sized enterprises in order to survive or attached to large companies or their combined to enhance competitiveness, to form a joint production situation, production process will be more detailed, there will be a process production enterprises, such as cutting can be single independent factory, will be the joint venture of sheet metal processing, such as some factory to do the paint again, or a product parts and components, in order to improve the efficiency of production equipment. Both the former and the latter for product process design will be more and more clear, more and more perfect, to achieve highly harmonious and unified, so as to match the operation. Then there is the computer with the popularization and application of LAN, the process flow field management will be no technology file management, are all made of bar code management, production management will be more convenient, faster and more accurate.

    The development course of domestic whole wardrobe:

    A whole wardrobe, refers to the man-made board as basic material, match with all kinds of stickers or wood veneer, the sealing side, made of painted decoration and furniture. Compared with solid wood furniture, its main have two features: one is not easy to deformation, removable installation, convenient transportation and storage, can say that the appearance of the integral chest design change more, more personality. 2 it is to save timber resources, raise the utilization ratio of timber. These two points is a whole wardrobe in today's rapid development of the main factors on the market.

    The development of domestic whole wardrobe mainly from eighty s and early 'ninety s 20th century experienced a development course from scratch, from naive to mature. A whole wardrobe has nearly 20 years of development has experienced two main stages of development. One is the first development of China's overall chest around 95, when north and south on both sides. Enterprises in the north to the temple of heaven, bright, huahe represented by a group of outstanding state-owned enterprises, products are mainly go day type style, more is the plate with real wood; Mainly south hong kong-invested enterprises, such as: heng yi, di letter, rich, wei Ann and so on, the product style is mainly European modern style. Enterprises both from north to south at that time the panel production equipment, mainly relies on imported raw materials, hardware fittings, in the first wave of development of poor management of some enterprises, such as constant interest, love the rich blue while the enterprise hardware facilities, such as production equipment was strengthened, but in marketing, product development, production management and so on some software failed to keep up with the final being relentless elimination. 2 it is nearly two years the rapid development of domestic furniture factory, we are going through similar to the first ten years ago the development of the whole wardrobe domestic enterprises, but compared to before the development process of some fundamental changes, such as: market has shifted from a seller's market to buyer's market, the whole wardrobe production industry has the nature of the change, the proportion of domestic equipment has been more than half. In addition, the main raw material for production () board, paint and accessories hardware accessories such as mostly have localization, coupled with the employees also mature and grow a lot than before. If the first is the domestic furniture development results put some new furniture out of the Chinese market, so the competition is a brutal civil war, everyone according to market rules of evolution.

    A whole wardrobe production process components and main processes:

    A full sense of the whole wardrobe production process from raw materials preparation, after wood production, paint finishing at the end of the product packing warehousing and so on many links and steps. Because the paint process in the last two phase of the journal of shenzhen furniture detailed discussed some professionals, so the plate production process focusing on woodworking process. Referred to as a whole wardrobe production process a lot of people think is very simple, three steps of cutting, sealing side, stiletto, equipment used in the troupe cutting saw, edge banding machine, drilling holes. Structure point is nothing more than 32 series disassembling fittings and so on, in fact the whole wardrobe production process is much more complicated than these, is also a piece of plate parts, some as long as one or two working procedure can be completed, and some are dozen or even dozens of working procedure to complete. Such as drawer bottom, just cutting, and as a more complex to counter board structure is hollow honeycomb, surface veneer, real wood sealing side and while type, the Mosaic glass. Will be two single panel process to complete, so the complexity of the plate process with the appearance of the product design, product structure, material, and the variety of products on production line, and many other factors, the factors related to the more complex. Plate production process of the main components: raw materials, process documents, machinery, equipment, operators, and the corresponding quality and production management system. Including raw materials arrive on time is the premise and foundation of the technological process, and the process file is the whole machining process and action on the basis of the management activities to comprehensive and detailed process document. Integral chest process documentation about: rendering, SanShiTu, parts diagram, parts processing, metal parts list, packing methods, installation diagram, schedule of materials (BOM), spare parts processing process sheets, product specification. The figure with parts processing parts processing process sheets used in combination with the production line components synchronous operation effect is best. Parts processing process main content on the surface of the table to cover the name, specification, quantity, material, batch, processing and matters needing attention, special inspection standards, basic content, process and serial number. Machinery, equipment and operation workers is processing.

    The main production process of whole wardrobe:

    Integral chest due to the difference of its surface materials and surface decoration effect also have different technological process, main representative categories are: the whole wardrobe, wood stickers whole wardrobe, solid color, the overall wardrobe, melamine class as a whole wardrobe, and by the above categories of a mixture of two or more categories as a whole wardrobe.

    The above categories as a whole wardrobe process based on process, there are some special, such as bending plate thick stick. Actual operation process, because of the influence of factors such as cost, usually sometimes-complex mix-and-match, I have you, it is worth mentioning at present with the widely application of the honeycomb core, the processing technology of the integral chest could be more complicated.

    Plate production process (process design) relationship with product design, structural design:

    Is a mutual influence between the three interdependent relationship. First product modelling design cannot be separated from the body of the whole wardrobe features, to be able to realize and adapt to the overall wardrobe production process requirements. In addition, the popular product modelling, will lead to the mass of the product, the overall wardrobe mass is the premise of its technological advantages, the structure design is the product model and process of the link, it is not only the internal skeleton products is the soul of the production process. A reasonable and compact structural design for products of the production process to create favorable conditions for first order, and a highly effective reasonable production process design and can effectively reduce the production cost of the products, for the product will eventually be based on the market, and get the favour of consumer, to give strong support. So if you want to have a high level of product process design is grabbed from the product modeling design. This is primary sources of immature domestic furniture design team, professional knowledge of the designer itself is not enough comprehensive, think the design is the appearance design, as for the product structure, production process is not important, or it is ok to look at. In fact, the structure of the product itself and its production process is the soul of the product appearance design.

    How to increase the efficiency of the whole wardrobe production technology of processing:

    How to display the a plate production line production efficiency to the extreme, for enterprises to create maximum value, is the most concern in every business owners, under the premise of without considering the product to make a plate production line the maximum efficacy, production line itself hardware (equipment) scale is one of the biggest prerequisite. An investment of millions and a production line of hundreds of thousands of investment scale, there is no comparable, so for the same production line, different managers use different management methods will have different income effect. As if the equipment is the hardware conditions, production and management activities is the software conditions, and the production and management activities is the core content of the design of the production process and arrangement. If a production activities as a battle, then process design is a battle plan, an enterprise produces the product is not the only every day, but many varieties, the varieties of each product is made up of many parts, parts on the production line of products every day there will be dozens or even hundreds of pieces, the experience of the management alone is not enough, how to develop a scientific, reasonable and efficient product process is the key to the problem lies. There is no best only better process design itself.

    To develop a strong feasibility and high efficiency of process must grasp the following several basic principles:

    First, the principle of synchronization. Is the parts of the product to product, small direction of the single packing of the products as the unit, control all the parts as far as possible at the same time or in within the time as small as possible to the packing process, to avoid a phenomenon such as when you pack it. Here the center content is actually project working process in the table. Hours of parts of products to be clear, accurate, strong operability, comprehensive factors to consider fully in place.

    Second, the principle of downstream. Avoid product parts on the production line process flow back, reversal phenomenon will obstruction to other parts of the normal process, as the road traffic, make whole workshop process in disorder, is not conducive to the manager's control, the core content is the process of process the order. The difficulty is how to solve the production process components of crossover operation with the contradiction of synchronous.

    Third, the principle of sufficiency. Every working procedure is to avoid the waste process itself. Such as: cutting process was equipment can be a cutting three boards at the same time, it designs two boards. Again, such as drilling process hole location on a piece of board should have finished two can, and you to design it into three or four play, these will produce the waste process itself. That affect machining efficiency, if you want to be the first point is the corresponding files will comprehensively is cutting process also have the cutting diagram, and to prepare the order saw road, have the borehole drilling process diagram, and according to different types of hole drilling has different optimization scheme, at the same time, combining with the working hours to.

    Fourth, the principle of quality. Any process in improving efficacy when not at the expense of the quality of the product, because the product quality is the life of the product, on the premise of quality to maximize production.

    Fifth, the gradual principle. Under a good process design is really just a better better the start of process design, technological design itself is a fumble ceaselessly in practice, constantly improve the process, only better not best.

    The production management personnel should get into the habit of data management and data manipulation. In this way can we constantly progress continuously improve, beyond one after another new limits, and not in accordance with the experience of emotional management. I'm in a good mood today, workers also listen to the command, so the process of the product is very smooth, otherwise some influence factors is what to do. End up some pipe for several years or even decades of production, management level is in a stage, progress is not obvious; And some people on the basis of the science reasonable method to control the production process, can enter the state in a short time and is doing better. Because he is one step one step in the steady progress.

    These five principles are the basis of process design, only constantly in practice experience with can fundamentally finally grasp. As the current domestic the whole wardrobe factory the arrival of the second round of the investment boom, each manufacturer of plate production equipment of the arms race, process design status and role will be increasingly prominent. And first-class production equipment only combined with excellent technological design can exert its maximum effect. For example, in the mid - 90 - the first round of the domestic furniture industry plate machine some well-known enterprises in the competition, such as: di letter, wei Ann, rich, etc are all in the plate production line adopts the roller transport shipping method for sheet metal process, this principle is downstream in the process design of the most direct embodiment. If the design is not reasonable in each process reversal phenomenon, board piece back, rather than increase the production efficiency barrier instead of normal production order, the manufacturer of the lack of process design feel this kind of device is not working, not hand car is convenient, and is not suitable for many kinds of product processing process. Actually products more with less, simple and complex process is not the direct factors influencing the equipment function, but the rationality of the technological design, is just the process design of product process will be more complex, process intersection will be more, so it need more reasonable process design.

    The development trend of whole wardrobe production process:

    With a new round of domestic whole wardrobe the reshuffle of the enterprise, the whole wardrobe factory will appear the new production pattern, the plate production process there will be new changes. Whole wardrobe production is a kind of mass production, the overall trend of its development should be more and more advanced equipment, the number of workers less and less, and more and more high quality requirements.

    The next few years domestic whole wardrobe factory there will be two main production: one is the large-scale production of the enterprise business investment in place at a time, advanced production equipment, high market share, capital is abundant, the production is large, process will be more complicated; Another is some small and medium-sized enterprises in order to survive or attached to large companies or their combined to enhance competitiveness, to form a joint production situation, production process will be more detailed, there will be a process production enterprises, such as cutting can be single independent factory, will be the joint venture of sheet metal processing, such as some factory to do the paint again, or a product parts and components, in order to improve the efficiency of production equipment. Both the former and the latter for product process design will be more and more clear, more and more perfect, to achieve highly harmonious and unified, so as to cooperate with operation; Then there is the computer with the popularization and application of LAN, the process flow field management will be no technology file management, are all made of bar code management, production management will be more convenient, faster and more accurate.

    The article reprinted from China's wood industry network

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